DIY Hallway Update

DIY Hallway Update

When we bought our house I knew I would be doing a lot of painting and updated to just about every space. The upstairs hallway was one of those spaces that drove me crazy! It was DARK, gloomy and looked super outdated. It sounds kind of silly to care about a hallway so much but this is the first thing you see as you walk up our stairs, and I walk by it multiple times a day going in between the upstairs bedrooms. You can see the before & after here and it’s a huge difference!

Hallway B & A

We have been stalled out on some of our other house projects waiting for permits and I have been getting antsy to start getting work completed before our baby is born! So one night I grabbed a can of paint and just started tackling the hallway! I’m so excited with how it turned out and I can’t wait to do the same thing to our downstairs!

hallway painting

I started with painting the entire hallway white which was pretty time consuming considering it was a DARK grey to begin with. It took 4 coats of one coat coverage Valspar Ultra White paint! I would NOT suggest using one coat coverage paint when you are painting something white, it will not be done in one coat! We made this mistake when we were painting our bedrooms and had leftover paint so I just used that for the hallway instead of going out and buying new paint.

I also decided to add the Board + Batten Wainscoting that we did in the nursery since it turned out so good! We had extra wood left over and it took less than 15 minutes to get the molding nailed up! You can see my blog post about how we did the wainscoting HERE.

I ordered a new light and frames all in gold to help give the hallway a fresh new look. This is the light we got from Amazon. I love it but it doesn’t come with a lightbulb, so you’ll need to buy that separately. These are the frames we got from Target. I love that there is no matting behind the picture so you can see the wall behind it! We have these in multiple other rooms of our house and I’m obsessed! I used 8x10 pictures and they fit perfectly!

Here is the finished product again! I’m so excited with how it turned out that I want to do the exact same there everywhere else in the house! I likely won’t get to some of the spaces until after our kitchen is done but I can’t wait to share our next projects with you!

Hallway Upgrade