About Me

HIII!! I’m Jennie and I’m so excited to virtually meet you!!

I started blogging when I was pregnant with my first daughter, as a way to connect with other moms. At the time I was pregnant and felt like I had no clue what I had gotten myself into! I was the first of all my friends and siblings to get married and get pregnant and I felt like there were so many things no one ever warned me about! From that point on I’ve been in a stage of “figuring out” how to be the best mom I can be. I’ve got a lot more experience under my belt now, but I’m still learning daily how to be the best mom and wife possible!

I love to share our daily life with you on Instagram and TikTok through vlogs + stories. I love sharing the mundane things we do daily in hopes that it either inspires you or helps you feel less alone in the struggle. Being a mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever done- and yet the BEST at the same time. Some days my husband comes home from work, all 3 kids have been crying all day and I’m on the verge of a psychotic breakdown. Other days I feel like I’m on my game being an absolute Pinterest mom. And some days it’s a little bit of everything. Regardless, I love to share the highs and the lows with you!

I’m a mom of 3- ages 5,3 and 1 and my kids are the lights of my life! Being their mom is my favorite thing in the entire world. We are entering a new stage of life as my oldest 2 kids are now in school and my youngest is leaving behind the baby stage. My heart is having a hard time processing it as I’ve been in the pregnant/baby stage for so long now! But I’m finding things to get excited about again, like home projects, organizing, party planning, fashion and so much more!

Last year I had 3 kids under the age of 5. My newborn was hospitalized twice for Respiratory distress and bronchiolitis and my FIL had sudden cardiac arrest leaving him with a traumatic brain injury. It’s been the hardest year of my life. Navigating the low, lows of life while trying to keep life moving for my family. While I can’t entirely say we have made it to the other side, I know one day we will make it to the other side and see God’s goodness amidst all the trials we have walked through. I share this so you know that life may look perfect behind the screen but absolutely no one’s life is perfect. We all have our trials and problems we are dealing with but not everyone shares them. So next time you’re comparing your life to someone else’s perfect life online, please remember their life isn’t perfect either. My mom used to say, “Don’t compare how you feel on the inside to how someone else looks on the outside.” I try to remember that every time I find myself in a comparison trap- because yes we all do it!

6 years ago I wrote this when I started my blog, It’s never been edited and it’s still exactly how I feel;

The name of this blog is Our Blessed Life because I am constantly amazed by how blessed we are! I started this blog to offer a resource for new mommy's and mommy's to be- because motherhood is hard! I've found that too often people filter their experience and advice to make it look like their life is perfect. So I promised myself that upon doing this that everything I wrote would be the unfiltered truth. If you're looking for someone to sugarcoat the truth- you're reading the wrong blog.  So here is a peek into our very blessed life!

I hope follow me helps you feel less alone in motherhood and also inspired to be the bet mom you can be!

