Kids Non-Candy Valentines

It’s almost Valentines Day and that means getting Valentines ready for the kids to pass out to all their friends in class. I am not against candy by any means but I also know my kids get way more candy from all these holidays than they can actually eat! So any time we can pass out non-candy items I try to! I actually had a lot of this stuff on hand that was leftover from birthday parties and ordered the rest on amazon! everything can be ordered for two day shipping and will get here in time for you to do this yourself! You can see them up close below and if you scroll down I have a list of all the items I used as well as templates to download and edit these cards.


I designed this cute Butterfly Valentine Card that you can edit + download for free! Here is the link!

Here is everything I used to put together the butterfly paint kits!

Wood Butterflies

Paint Brushes

Paint Pots - I actually cut these in half so it gave me more and also made it so I had to fill less colors!

Treat Bags- Mine are from the dollar tree but if you can’t get to one then they are available on Amazon!

I designed this cute little love monster playdoh valentine card that you can edit + download for free! Here is the link!

These were so easy and perfect for preschoolers! I bought this huge pack of small playdoh containers ! They are so affordable and it should leave you with plenty of extras to use for Easter as a non-candy easter egg filler! ( I did that last year and the kids loved it!)

I hope this helps give you some ideas and inspiration and helps make your Valentines Day fun for you kids! Make sure you are following me on social media for more realistic mom life and fun ideas!

Jennie DiMatteoComment